Group History Report

The Group History Report allows you to view information on all the Groups that have stayed or booked at your Property. The Group History Report shows your Group History by chosen option (booking category, segment, origin, guest type or group) over a specified date range, and once generated displays the confirmation number of the group reservation, arrival and departure dates, the sales manager the booking was associated with, the company name, the booking name, the status of the booking, total number of room nights with this group, and any revenue associated (broken down into room, other and total revenue categories). The Group History Report may be used to help track your revenue sources, enable you to create reasonable expectations for your future business and provide you with a meaningful marketing analysis for your Property. This report option can be utilized if desired to group MULTIPLE Property information together in a single report, as well as individual Properties in separate reports.

Note: This Report may be generated to include data from the current date, however if you are ONLY interested in information for the current date you may find the Groups In-House Report more useful.

The Groups History Report command is found in the Sales and Catering Area of Skyware.

If your Property does not currently have our Sales and Catering Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at



Date Updated June 15, 2021